Hi guys
I recently did a completely new clean install of my PC XP Windows- so as you'd expect it deleted all my cookies, internet viewing history, viruses EVERYTHING.
I went to a PUA Forum I'd been previously perma banned from thatI couldn't even view (even without logging in) because my IP Address had been banned so I couldn't view the forums even as a guest.
At first I could successfully view the forums without logging in (thanks clean install!) BUT a few days later I got the same Error message (You've been IP Banned from this forum).
I'm wondering (Not being internet savvy) how the hell the Forum Admin knew it was me if my internet cookies and Internet History had been deleted?
My only guess is that they had contacted my Internet Provider and asked for my IP address behind my back.
Also I'd like to point out that a lot of these companies use "Google Alerts"- which is a piece of software available to companies which means if you type in say Owen Cook RSD* (*he gets a Google Alert to see if you're writing shit about him complete with a weblink).
Very "Big Brother" if you ask me and lets not forget Google doesn't exactly respect peoples privacy do they now?
BTW: I'm not spending a penny on IP Masking Software and I'm not going to contact forum admin as those idots banned me and censored my posts without me breaking any forum rules
check your WAN IP
turn off your modem
turn on your modem (5 mins later)
check your WAN IP
make sure the IP changes (otherwise call your ISP)
For Christ's sake, use a proxy server
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Their forum software tells them what your IP address is when you visit their forum. Your IP address is the same even if you clear your cookies and browsing history. Your IP address only changes if you access the internet from a different physical location, or if you use an IP proxy website.
The fact that you could view their forum at first after the clean install was probably just the IP banning part of their forum software glitching for a little bit. All forum software will glitch once in a while. Glitches tend to happen on forums when they are being crawled by a search engine. Puahate glitches about once a month when Google comes around to crawl the site.
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Nicholous- thank you.
That was the perfect answer and I can see that being the reason.
As for Dimitri I cannot go into specifics about my IP Providers workings for security reasons but I can say that mine doesn't change every 5 minutes purely because my IP is scrambled.
So therefore Nicholous's response.
As for Midnight those websites were mentioned by Chinpoko in the last "IP Thread" I made so I do remember BUT you have to pay a subcription charge to actually start posting and openly scrutinising these PUAs- which as I said I wouldn't do.
My IP address changes everytime even from the same physical location. That's why I said, you have to ask your ISP. No forum software that can track my IP change.